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Price Index in Poland

5 Day 110, 03:26 Published in Sweden Sweden

The new quotation of Price Index in Poland is 172.5 and shows huge inflation during last week. (From 110 to 172.5 is 56,86😵.
The reason is increase of prices in food (from 3.15 to 5.20) and weapon (respectively: 3.15-4.20)
The insane offer of new

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Sell food in Poland

10 Day 109, 09:56 Published in Sweden Sweden

Recent lack of food in Poland indicates that our republic is not able to generate economy suffcient to supply basic goods to our citizens.
I hope the government noticed that fact and set import-tax on low 30% level.
This is an appeal to

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Price Index

0 Day 104, 02:25 Published in Sweden Sweden

The new value of Price Index is 110. That means that the inflation in past week was 10%. The reason is that the price of weapon has doubled. Lucky, that the food, not the weapon is dominant in the Index.

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0 Day 98, 00:53 Published in Sweden Sweden

The prices of weapon have raised over 30%, but it is still rather cheap.
What is important about weapon, that it doesn't last for ever.
According to information I have foun😛

weapon will be activated during a combat and will last for a week.

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Economics - Inflation Index

1 Day 96, 05:37 Published in Sweden Sweden

Our newspaper is going to be serious source of information and opinions. We want to be read, but not only because of emotional news, but because of serious researches as well. In order to research the economy of Poland we decided to publish Price

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