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Polish langauge in Poland!

1 Day 118, 10:35 Published in Sweden Sweden

I belive that offical langauge of Poland should be Polish. From now I declare to communicate only in Polish. All people, that have ambition to pla role in Poland should be able to speak polish.

Od dzisiaj mowie tylko po polsku. Polska powinna

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The cheapest food in the world.

1 Day 117, 01:54 Published in Sweden Sweden

Today food in Poland is the cheapest in the world. It costs only 0,75 PLN and I have bougt 30 items of it (the maximum number of inventory). It is nice from Venezuela, that keeps sending us food for free

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Oszustwo wyborcze

1 Day 112, 02:04 Published in Sweden Sweden

Przed samymi wyborami w cudowny sposób pojawiło się 8 nowych obywateli, którzy oddali głosy na jednego z kandydatów, który tym samym wygrał. Nie mam przyjemności grania z oszustami, ta gra jest bez sensu w takim wypadku.

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Elections swindle

1 Day 112, 02:02 Published in Sweden Sweden

Mysterious appearance of 8 new citizens just in time of elections means nothing else as vulgar elections swindle. This game is pointless, I dont have any joy plaing it in such situation. Cheaters!

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2 Day 111, 02:25 Published in Sweden Sweden

Today elections takes place in Poland.
What is interesting, there are 2 main candidates: present President Majkal and candidate John Jakeson. John Jakeson get involved in campaign and is trying to obtain votes by personal contacts, which is nice (

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