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9 Day 552, 22:23 Published in South Africa South Africa

My fellow South Africans, today is a unique day. You have shown the world that "hope" is not just another word for "Bunaly", and that "change" is not only something we can believe in again, but something we can actually do.

Today we celebrate,

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Compare: PEACE x Atlantis

8 Day 552, 21:32 Published in South Africa South Africa

Google compares:


Who has the most trends?


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Diminuindo o Ritmo...

9 Day 524, 20:47 Published in Brazil Brazil

Galerinha do mal,

É com muito pesar que eu venho avisar que, por motivos de saúde em minha família e por ter piorado bastante meu horário na faculdade, terei que diminuir meu ritmo aqui no eRepublik...

Isso significa que estou impossibilitado

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Giro Pelo eMundo

10 Day 464, 19:31 Published in Brazil Brazil

Após as eleições de congressistas vários eventos estão abalando o nosso eMundo...

Os romenos, após terem sido frustrados em sua guerra contra o Irã (o Irã deu os territórios de fronteira com a Romênia para o Paquistão, impossibilitando a guerra

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It's time to work!

4 Day 457, 18:56 Published in Philippines Philippines

Hello everyone,

I come to you as a runner for the congress on the great Palawan region! I came to this amasing country trying to do my best on make it one of the most powerfull and economical succeded country on Asia!

We must, at once, raise

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