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The end of the North korean Workers Party?

11 Day 594, 08:31 Published in North Korea North Korea

Hello everyone, Defenestration here.

As you probably will have noticed by now the North Korean Workers Union have almost all their money stolen by Morgaroth. There is nothing I can say that would properly express the contempt I feel for this act.

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Morgaroth Steals All our Money

29 Day 593, 14:31 Published in North Korea North Korea

Yes. Morgaroth Just stole all the North Korean Workers Partys money.

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The NKWP denounces Celio Azevedo

35 Day 584, 06:17 Published in North Korea North Korea

The North Korean Workers party wishes to make it clear that it is in no way linked together with Celio Azevedo.
We whish for everyone to know, that the North Korean Workers Party will never support the kind of rhetoric used by Celio, as it is at

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Message to NKWP congress members

3 Day 584, 01:36 Published in North Korea North Korea

This is a quick but very important message:

If you are a congress member of the NKWP and you want to propose a bill before congress - you MUST discuss this on the party forums first. That is a minimum, and preferably you should also put

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North Korean Workers - Read!

5 Day 581, 09:02 Published in North Korea North Korea

& Vote!

You are hereby aked, nay, ordered, to register on, and participate in the public debate on our national forums at

[img][/img] … read more »