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18 Day 320, 06:07 Published in Thailand Thailand

Due to the injury of our President Rockman, I propose we move forward and elect a new official to replace him. He clearly is either unable or unwilling to put for the extra time needed to run Thailand.

We dont have days to wait fellow citizens...

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Steps Ive taken on my own for Thailand

15 Day 317, 07:57 Published in Thailand Thailand

Ive decided that I dont need to be in the government to get the ball rolling on some of my ideas. So in that regard Ive done the following.

#1 Ive set up the Thailand Board of Tourism last night in eUSA and will post an article today hopefully

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Thailand: At the crossroads of greatness and obscurity.

11 Day 312, 10:38 Published in Thailand Thailand

Here we stand fellow citizens. We await the upcoming changes that our future holds. We continue with the process of making Thailand a great nation.

And yet, we can still do more. We must do more to see our nation survive.

Our nation is

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Thailand Today and Tomorrow: Initial Observations of an eUSA ex-patriot

5 Day 308, 14:18 Published in Thailand Thailand

Upon stepping off the plane in Bangkok and finding a taxi to Hat Yai one thing was extremely clear...this place is in dire need of some economic and social reform.

As my little taxi putted along a dirt road, we passed several crudely

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