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My final "official" statement before elections

32 Day 349, 11:14 Published in Thailand Thailand

2 days to go and really no idea how this election may turn out. It basically shapes up to this, TNT vs the rest of Thailand. Who has the numbers? I really couldnt tell you at this point. Regardless, if I lose, I lose fair and square. If I win,

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Take a stand for Thailand

57 Day 347, 10:01 Published in Thailand Thailand

I know this week, we've seen a number of stupid remarks, propositions, and articles by Rockman and others in the TNT. Ive been approached by a few members of the TNT privately, and they've attempted to ensure that I would survive impeachment if

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Donations from Czech Hospital

11 Day 345, 10:08 Published in Thailand Thailand

For those of you receving these donations, I recommend one of two things:

#1 Keep the money, report it to the admin, and after election day donate it back to the Thai treasury.

#2 Send it to The Iron Bank (SO run by Guy Kilmore), he will

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13 Day 344, 16:59 Published in Thailand Thailand

Just wanted to try and establish an active place for us to get together and socialize, discuss ideas, and what not. Perhaps if we able to communicate this way, we'd reach a better understanding with each other and not jump at each other's throats.

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Let's take a step back and just breathe

9 Day 344, 14:40 Published in Thailand Thailand

I know things are a bit wacky in Thailand right now folks, but we have 7 days left. 7 days! This is no way in the bag, and Rockman could definitely win if you want change...if you want a leader willing to listen to the people and

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