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Military Module

4 Day 1,229, 07:28 Published in Canada Canada

Hello eCanada,

Just a quick thought: Why did we need that update to the military module? It was fine the way it is, and I believe this new one will just cause more crashes and problems! Many people said the old one crashed a lot and it was

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What do YOU want to read?

14 Day 1,227, 13:28 Published in Canada Canada

Hello eCanada,

I enjoy writing articles. However, I'm not sure what you enjoy reading. Do you like opinions on current events, reports on the economy, political manifesto, or a smorgasbord of everything? Please tell me in a comment below

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Are You a Good General Manager?

9 Day 1,223, 09:31 Published in Canada Canada

Hello eCanada,

Everyday I find more goodies in all my different organizations, and because of that I have amassed a moderate amount of gold. I'm looking to start up a few different companies, and if you have any suggestions or if you're a

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Killswitch for Congress

5 Day 1,217, 13:57 Published in Canada Canada

Hello eCanada,

I realize that I did just return a few days ago, but I am running for congress! I feel it´s important that I start up eRepublik again on the right foot. I have lots of past experience with politics: Leading political parties and

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Back From the Dead

9 Day 1,216, 16:18 Published in Canada Canada

Hello eRepublik,

Just thought I´d send a short message out announcing that I will be taking up eRepublik again! I´ve taken a break of about a year, more or less, but I wish to play again. If you remember me from the old days, feel free to say hi!

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