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Want To Make Piles of Money?

0 Day 411, 15:30 Published in Canada Canada

Work in the manufacturing sector! It boasts the best wages for its workers compared to there skill level. Wether your starting out, or an experienced worker, you are sure to make the most money in manufacturing! There are plenty of jobs, all we need

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Looking for Good Work?

1 Day 410, 19:45 Published in Canada Canada

Industrial Food is hiring! Join us, in providing Canada with inexpensive food for everyone to enjoy. Industrial Food boats good wages, a good working environment, and something called Progressive Wages. Lets say, your working for Industrial Food,

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Canada, Canada, Canada

2 Day 405, 09:52 Published in Canada Canada

Well eCanada, the last few weeks have been very rough. We saw war and fighting, our forums getting deleted, our prime minister being forced out of office, and high ranking officials leaving eCanada. Times could have not gotten worse, until the

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Thank you Alberta and Canada

0 Day 402, 16:20 Published in Canada Canada

Hello, this isnt much of an article, but more of a thank-you to all my voters. Thank you for making me a member of congress. This is one step in the right direction (hah). Love you Alberta,


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Food Prices

9 Day 398, 18:28 Published in Canada Canada

If you havent noticed, for the past few weeks, food (along with gifts, weapons, etc.) have gotten very expensive. I remember when I could get Q3 food for 3.50, now its over 8. Times when Q1 food would stay under a buck, and Q1 gifts would too. Times

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