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CPC Platform out soon - Who are we supporting for election?

5 Day 440, 17:18 Published in Canada Canada

By, I'd say, 5EST tomorrow, the CPC will have released who it is supporting for the election. *cue menacing music*. It will be published in our official newspaper, The Canadian Comrade. Subscribe to it, cause you wont want to miss it. Who will it

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Asian Countries = Low Population

18 Day 440, 15:53 Published in Canada Canada

Why are most Asian countries (except Indonesia) really low on population? Is there not enough ads there? In RL, they have way more people, and there very tech savvy! I think eRep is just not a household word over there. Your opinion?

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Communist Party of Canada

41 Day 438, 19:25 Published in Canada Canada


I would officialy like to introduce you all to eCanada's newest political party: The Communist Party of Canada (CPC). We at the CPC believe in justice. We believe in truth, and prosperity. We believe Canada should become a global super

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Canada's/World's New Population - Welcome new Citizens

5 Day 438, 09:25 Published in Canada Canada

It the past few days, weve seen a great increase of new citizens in eCanada. By the hundreds, people have been flocking in. This is due to a increase in eRepubliks ads being displayed all over the web. Wherever you go, you can see them. Over, I'd

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Killswitch for Congress

7 Day 424, 08:39 Published in Canada Canada


This term I am planning on running for congress in the beautiful province of Alberta. I have past experience in congress, this being my 2nd term. Last term I fought hard for a Q4 hospital to be put in Alberta. It was a close vote, but it

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