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Strategy and eRepublik warfare

10 Day 2,746, 03:15 Published in Belgium Belgium Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

So many people, so many ideas, so few implementations by eRepublik. Understandable, with so many ideas few will suit all, few that will mean a win-win situation for all players. Big hitters and spenders usually have a different view then the new

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Saligia and eBe

4 Day 2,736, 13:06 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I'm back, back in Saligia.

Time to try and bring back some life into eBe, the home of Saligia.

WANTED : Soldiers
OFFER : 20 Q7/day(minimum)

Contact me for details

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A Captain's Log

5 Day 2,734, 12:43 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hi dear readers,

the coming weeks I'll be writing some articles about my journeys across the pond these last few weeks.

This first part is special. Flew into Boston early afternoon, picked up the rental car and headed up north for 3 hours.


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Party Time!

0 Day 2,682, 03:59 Published in USA USA Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

OK folks,

here's the party at 24/7 , come on in, join us, share your musical taste 🙂

You can have a nice chat too, bit like IRC but maybe little less scary, not the boss there 😛

Open up u-tuub, select

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Party Time!

2 Day 2,681, 05:54 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

OK folks,

here's the party at 24/7 , come on in, join us, share your musical taste 🙂

You can have a nice chat too, bit like IRC but maybe little less scary, not the boss there 😛

Open up u-tuub, selct

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