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eZombie news

1 Day 3,239, 05:38 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Pretty funny times lately, same sh*t, different 'rulers'


Seems I can't remember why I wanted to write an article. Never mind, please go back to fighting.

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8 Day 3,127, 11:25 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Nearly 400 days have passed since I wrote my last article. In august of last year, I stopped buying any packs. With the packs, and the epics, I made my damage, not really saving up any EBs, just running with all I got.

The epics dwindled away,

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Good Morning..............eBe

25 Day 2,785, 11:42 Published in Belgium Belgium Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Dear subscribers,

nearly 20, yes 20, days ago since I last wrote an article in your favorite newspaper. Too long, so here's another small one.

Not going to bore you with numbers, or stats, if you need them look them up 🙂

That said, I woke

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Being bored

22 Day 2,768, 16:09 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

To all my subscribers, yes all 75, thank you.

Being bored, not being able to sleep, one dominant person forced me to write an article. So here it is.

These last weeks we've been able to attract new players, as stated in my previous article.

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Usual Suspects

24 Day 2,762, 04:43 Published in Belgium Belgium Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Time for an update about the MU

As some might have noticed, some new soldiers have been attracted, voluntarily or under contract 🙂

Let me present them to you, most are well-known in the

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