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Japanese Forums - All Citizens must visit

4 Day 401, 21:24 Published in Japan Japan

Citizens of eJapan, upon reading this article I would expect one who cares about Japan to vote this. The forum is an extremely important part of Japan and all active citizens must regularly visit overlook articles and post new information. I

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Progress of Military Organization

2 Day 391, 03:44 Published in Japan Japan

Hello eJapan,

As many of you know I am the Co-Minister of Defense and a loyal General of Imperial Japan. I have been tasked with organization and leading the Mighty army of Japan. I announce today that recruitment drive resulted in meagre success

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Aegis Defense Systems

4 Day 389, 07:26 Published in Japan Japan

I announce to Japan the creation of a new Defense Company currently Q1 since i cannot afford Q2 yet. I have a Defense system for sale in Brasil which will hopefully bring in about 50 gold and then i will procede to upgrade to Q2. Im currently paying

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Patriotism will Bring Japan Victory

1 Day 387, 09:47 Published in Japan Japan

Dear loyal citizens of Japan, today I again urge all of you to prove your loyalty to Imperial Japan and its government, I urge you to prove to yourself and the government who you really are. I urge you to rise up from your boring two click done for

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Japanese Citizens, Take the pledge to defend the land that you love!

17 Day 386, 13:46 Published in Japan Japan

My fellow Japanese citizens, today I come to you to urge you to make a decision that will no doubtedly be the best choice of your elife. As a famous General once said, "You better get your asses moving and get those aplications in" (IJG King 😎.

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