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Unemployed and underpaid of Thailand, Lend me your ear

3 Day 429, 14:19 Published in Thailand Thailand

The unemployed and underpaid people of Thailand I ask you give me a brief moment of your time. The Japanese Market is very stressed right now due to a large gap in workforce. Japanese companies are starving to get any skill worker in its grasps to

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Aegis Weapons Manufacturing Re-Opens Its Doors

0 Day 428, 00:24 Published in Japan Japan

Since its closing a while back due to financial reasons, Aegis Weapons has reopened its doors to the citizens of Japan. Im looking for experienced and committed workers. If interested in a position send me a PM and what wage you are looking for. We

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Proposal for Congressman to Donate gold to Japan

15 Day 427, 12:17 Published in Japan Japan

To all Congressman current and in the future:

We all know Japan is in a financial and economic crisis and that large injections of gold is the only answer. We also all know that we all get 5 gold from winning elections. What a perfect and free*

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Mandatory Commenting for all Imperial Soldiers

19 Day 424, 07:51 Published in Japan Japan

Special Order: IM-T0001 ( 17 JAN 09)

1. Type of Duty: Mandatory check in by all Imperial Soldiers
2. Purpose: Maintain records of active/inactive Imperial Soldiers and Police Force

3. All members of the Imperial Army are hereby ordered to

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Do you have what it takes to be a member of the Imperial Forces?

2 Day 423, 13:01 Published in Japan Japan

Dear loyal citizens of Japan, today I again urge all of you to prove your loyalty to Imperial Japan and its government, I urge you to prove to yourself and the government who you really are. I urge you to rise up from your boring two click done for

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