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Grain Goes Down The Drain

10 Day 466, 22:12 Published in USA USA

I personally own a Q2 Grain company, t'jelle: Grain, and I am tired of sitting idly by and waiting for prices to revert to a normal setting. I do not see how anyone could possibly be making a profit by selling their grain at 1.03 USD. I know I would

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California Congressman

1 Day 464, 14:10 Published in USA USA

Hello California and thank you for bringing me into office once more! So many amazing ideas have gone through congress and I am proud to say that I have been a part of them! We have gotten a Q3 DS, the CTPA was pushed and almost implemented, but

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Why Congress Doesn't SUXEZ

8 Day 460, 19:02 Published in USA USA

Hello fellow eAmericans. Several citizens, conveniently most of whom are running for congress this upcoming election, have written articles about how this congress sucks, and how much we have screwed things up and how we want, get ready for the

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BREAKING NEWS - Mass Resignations

15 Day 459, 21:31 Published in USA USA

This just in folks - mass resignations are being reported in congress. The plan was initally put forth by NoneSuch who stated "I say we all NOT run this next term, let's let the new congress come in and ruin everything. The MAJORITY of the eUS

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NiN 2.21

1 Day 459, 20:29 Published in USA USA

In order to increase activity and assist new citizens during the increased income taxes, the Welcoming Committee and Uncle Same have proposed[

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