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Debate Transcript

17 Day 348, 19:20 Published in USA USA

For those that didn't get a chance to make it to the debates, here is a rundown....

The Economy has been facing serval issues in the past few weeks. With the effects of V1, the change in the global productity model, and increasing foriegn trade,

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The Presidential Debate: Summary

3 Day 348, 19:12 Published in USA USA

Tonight was the official Presidential Debate between Peregrine and Benn Dover. Many topics were covered, but most important of all, scarily similar to RL was the economy. This is just a summary of a few main points. I suggest reading the whole

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A Review of A Comphrehensive Economic Plan

3 Day 345, 17:04 Published in USA USA

Peregrine announced his economic plan today in his newspaper Peregrine For America. It is a LONG comprehensive list of projects he plans to release, one of

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A Series Of Troubles

4 Day 344, 09:19 Published in USA USA

I have spent the past few weeks scouring the wiki and forums of the eRepublik in an attempt to learn even the most obscure details. Through my research I made special note about information that pertained to me, or that indirectly affected me ie.

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