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Cry Havoc and let slip the Dogs of War- Jullius Ceaser

7 Day 799, 10:14 Published in Australia Australia

It's time Australia, ever since I started playing this game up until very recently there has always been one driving force behind our poltics, eIndonesia. Indonesia is now dying and vunerable. This is no time for PEACE (both senses of the word)

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PTO's, Pizzas and CrowdedHouses

5 Day 790, 10:45 Published in Australia Australia

Recently a Goverment newspapr published an article telling us that Pizza the Hut, a man running for presidentship of the Liberal Party (former ADSP) was a PTO and we were to not vote for him. Pizza was voted in shortly afterwards.

In this article

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A slap in the face.

11 Day 784, 09:55 Published in Australia Australia

Following a tip of by a friend It seems that following on from my last article 'The Judas of Sol'
That treason is easily forgiven and forgotten in the eUS.
The very woman that betrayed us to eBrazil has now been admitted to the eUS Airborne.

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eSouth Africa- The Judas of Sol

6 Day 782, 04:43 Published in Australia Australia

As the Brazillian hordes invaded WA and the NT, eSA our ally and friend was under attack by a PTO threat. However if your looking for the answer to the following question

'but how did Brazil even reach us'

Then look no further than Judas my

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I must leave you. My Soul demands it.

7 Day 773, 08:39 Published in Australia Australia

Recently I've been facing a serious debate with myself.
It's simple really.

Patriotism before Faith?

I'm a Dioist, and at the moment EDEN, an allaince we want to join soon is waging war on Dio's chosen land. Thus It is with a heavy heart that

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