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The RPA just keeps Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

9 Day 809, 10:51 Published in Australia Australia

Hello ladies and Gentelmen it's Comrade Robb. As PP elections draw closer things here are getting frantic, we have lots of work to do and time is running out. However hees whats going on in the RPA

1) Republican Guns established

2) William A

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My plans for the RPA/OKT

5 Day 804, 12:56 Published in Australia Australia

First of all I have to boost Party membership to around 20 members maybe 25. To acomplish this I am going to appoint on person as 'Head of Personal' who will be responsible for recruitment and handeling where our senators are and also helping new

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I'm not a PTO'er- Lets just get the right ok :)

16 Day 803, 05:56 Published in Australia Australia

MOTTOM claims I'm a PTO'er and that I'm stealing this Party from William.
This quote will put all this to rest, it's comes from William himself

"I asked him to, as he is a trusted friend."

I'm RE-TAKING the Party, so lets put all

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Comrade Robb for PP of the Order of Knights Techlar.

9 Day 802, 13:16 Published in Australia Australia

This Party was PTO'ed very recently and this time around at election time I am plannign to re-take the Party. I will of course later elaborate what the new Party will stand for, however this is my general plan for my first month in charge of the RPA/

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Brazil Fail

7 Day 802, 08:35 Published in Australia Australia

On the PM's article about EDEN I noticed a lot of Brazillian saying we were a bad replacment for Romania. And I read one comment saying eRomania was ten times stronger than us..well Brazil I seem to recall we kicked your arse a while what

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