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Calibur- As sharp as a bowling ball

19 Day 538, 08:54 Published in Australia Australia

"Plorman and Bergman are the 2 multis that are still alive and I don't use anymore. "

he says. But hang on comrade...Didn't you say you didn't have any multis left...oh wait you did! a line above that nice quote at the start of this article.


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Calibur you arn't welcome here!

18 Day 535, 12:22 Published in Australia Australia

How dare you come back! You stole from a friend and buisness partner of yours then legged it!
You have multis. They may have been shut down but you still had them. Cheat! Fraud! Liar!

I stand by Mr.Awesome when he says your a criminal and should

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Inequality in a socialist nation

9 Day 534, 13:31 Published in Australia Australia

Australlia is a raving leftie nation with more commies, socialists and other lefties than anywhere else I have ever lived in before.
Then why is there so much inequality.

Many of us 'myself included' are working hard and having to hoard money

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We are free!

14 Day 529, 03:20 Published in Australia Australia

I'm not goign to anythin that has already been said by others more important than myself (Patti and other important goverment members.)

just to express my jubilations at the fact we did it.

I'm happy right now and I seriously could hug half

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Malaysia. A question of cowardice or Glory? [EDIT]

0 Day 527, 10:10 Published in Australia Australia

Malaysia. Soon to be taken over by Taiwan. A golden oppertunity for Australlia to shower itself in glory, present itself as a respectable eNation and protect someone smaller and weaker than us. Also as an added bonus it could shut up Australlian

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