Ambient on/off


3 Day 549, 12:36 Published in Australia Australia

I am away all of this week (it's half term here in the U.K) to Spian so will not be online.

So if I'm slow when I get back with events then forgive me.

best of luck to all running for congress. Stay out of trouble.


Lots of Love

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Comrade Robb for Congress

1 Day 547, 11:12 Published in Australia Australia

Hello comrades. It's everyones fave Communist.

I am runnin for congress in New South Wales this month And while i'm new to the political stage I want to present my belifs.

1. eOz should stay neutral on the global stage as both PEACE and

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INTERNATIONAL NEWS! Britian bankrupt and held to ransom.

5 Day 547, 11:04 Published in Australia Australia

The goverment of the eUK has been robbed, held to ransom and then humiliated. People are losing faith in an ineffective system that cannot even keep it's finacnes under lock and key.
This in comparision makes our media wars in eOz seem

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2 Day 543, 03:07 Published in Australia Australia

I'm going to run to be a congressman for the True Blue Party in new South Wales.

I ask all my fellow True Blue comrades to vote for me when the time comes.

your faveourite Comrade.

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15 Day 538, 08:55 Published in Australia Australia

An impeachment? Why I always thought that Patti was a good President. And why is Pred leading it? I thought you too was allies?

wth is going on in ye old Aus.

Liars welcomed back with open arms and good men threatened with impeachment.

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