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[RC #2] Wizard's First Rule (Sword of Truth #1) - Terry Goodkind

5 Day 4,979, 05:53 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Hello dear readers,

Apparently I have less time than I initially anticipated for this series... and it's also morphing into "what I'm currently reading (and enjoying)" rather than the all time favorites I wanted to do initially.

I think I was

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[RC #1] Readers' corner - first edition

24 Day 4,956, 06:06 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I wanted to start a series of articles about book for some time now but always got stuck at the same point. I felt that in order to do this properly I should have a reason for it, have an explanation for why I want this... but I don't really have a

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Cu casa in spate

48 Day 4,229, 01:06 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Fond muzical recomandat.

Cu totii simtim cateodata nevoia sa ne deconectam, sa iesim din rutina si sa ne limpezim gandurile. Fiecare om e diferit si are nevoi diferite, fiecare isi … read more »

Cand zidurile isi pierd din importanta

50 Day 4,200, 05:27 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Fond muzical recomandat.

Se tot zice ca traim in secolul vitezei. Aveam intentia sa investighez exact cum s-a ajuns la denumirea asta dar... nu prea am timp. 🙂
Parerea mea este ca de … read more »

Divide et impera

115 Day 4,181, 12:49 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Fond muzical recomandat.

Dezbină și stăpânește, în politica și sociologie, este o combinație de tactici (politice, militare sau economice) de câștigare și menținere a puterii prin … read more »