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21 Day 679, 15:26 Published in Germany Germany

The German government has indeed fallen! They are persecuting the DNCers as we speak! It isn't safe here anymore!

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10 Day 673, 11:20 Published in Germany Germany

Urgent news! There has just been a major battle between the Magic Hot Air Balloon and my fellow DNCers! The DNCers and I we're exploring the forests to the south when we came upon some of the MHAB's most vicious warriors, the Mavericks!


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The first battle has ended!

7 Day 669, 19:14 Published in Germany Germany

Hello my friends! I must be quick in writing this article because I've been injured in a battle with the Magic Hot Air Balloon! It happened like this.

Me and some DNCers got wind of a MHAB spotting somewhere in Africa, so we packed up some

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19 Day 668, 14:26 Published in Germany Germany

The time for peace talks and negotiations has ended! The Magic Hot Air Balloon has made its first strike! Just earlier my fellow DNCers* (who shall remain anonymous, in case law enforcement agencies have been taken over) encountered the MHAB in a

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To show how serious this situation really is, I've made an image guide.

12 Day 668, 13:35 Published in Germany Germany

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