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Condemnation of the Spanish Aggression

33 Day 744, 07:42 Published in Canada Canada

My feelings when I get home today to see Spain attacking France were a mixture of unpleasant surprise, disappointment, and a bit of anger. This assault cannot be described as anything but downright foolish in every regard.

For once, the attack is

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British-Belgium War and The Group's Financial Activities

3 Day 743, 09:05 Published in Canada Canada

After the United Kingdom's initial attack on Flanders failed, yesterday and again with the support of the United Netherlands and many Belgians the coalition forces [url=http://www.erepublik.

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An Introduction to ~hyuu~ism

49 Day 742, 11:38 Published in Canada Canada

Due to Chucky Norris's attack on ~hyuu~, I saw it necessary to reveal the true nature of the ~hyuu~ism to the eWorld to prevent such

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Is the UK Worth Our Honour?

13 Day 740, 17:12 Published in Canada Canada

With concern I have observed in recent times the revival and nourishing of anti-British segments in this our country. The voices calling for war with the United Kingdom are growing louder amid increasingly harsh verbal assaults - So let me raise

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The Belgian Elections and the British Attack

3 Day 737, 07:34 Published in Canada Canada

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who voted me into the congress. I shall do my best and will not allow your votes to have been wasted!

The elections in Belgium are also over, and to the disappointment of many Belgians The Group once

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