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Važna lekcija za sve!

24 Day 4,051, 11:25 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Za one koji ne prate, reč je o kladionici.
Ovo je bilo 9.kolo -
Rezultati -
i lista svih pobednika -
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21 Day 4,024, 10:54 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Pozdrav svima!

Vidim da se u zadnje vreme javlja interes za kladionice. Nekoč davno sam i ja vodio jednu kladionicu pa sam prestao....

Ukoliko interes postoji, vrlo rado ću opet organizovati.

Ovako je to izgledalo pre: https://www.

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Super League in 2021.?

4 Day 4,001, 04:04 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I have just read an interesting article. According to Football leaks, 16 elite European clubs signed an agreement and they want to start their own version of „UEFA Champions League“. A league similar to the NBA league, league of closed format! This

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Vreme je za novi savez!

54 Day 3,792, 03:53 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis


Ovaj članak sam odlučio pisati na srpskom (srpsko-hrvatskom) da me ceo svet razume, iako je dovoljno da me razume samo državljani 6 država. 😉


Kao što vidite zadnje vrijeme se događa da se neke države u

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Obširna analiza predsedniških volitev

1 Day 3,789, 08:37 Published in Slovenia Slovenia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

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