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The rantings and ravings of Mellie, coming to your house since late Beta.

Press Release: Victory for the People / İnsanlar için Galibiyet

13 Day 326, 01:33 Published in Turkey Turkey

Good Evening My Fellow eCitizens!

Thank you very much for casting your votes for me! I am very excited to be our new party president.

Today, a long, hard battle was fought to keep the ABK out of the hands of the MHC. I have campaigned on the

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The Turkish Answer to Diplomacy: A Hostile Takeover of All Major Political Parties

44 Day 325, 08:03 Published in Turkey Turkey

This is a call for help to all of the citizens of the eWorld who care about their fellow eMan:

It's official: the Turks no longer want anybody else in eTurkey besides the real deal. In a recent [a url=

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We Need Change, and We Need It NOW! / Hemen Şimdi Değişime Ihtiyacımız Var

29 Day 322, 09:32 Published in Turkey Turkey

Yesterday was the most disheartening day of my existence in eRepublik. I thought we were making real progress here in eTurkey. We were making laws that support peace, and I thought all was going relatively well. That was until I started reading

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Our Newest Divisive Issue / Bizi Bölen Yeni Yasa Teklifi

32 Day 320, 10:22 Published in Turkey Turkey

Yesterday, BattalGazi brought to the table a proposal to raise the taxes on weapons ( [a url=]proposal here[/a] ). This is the first divisive issue that will face our October congress.

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"A Timely Bitch" Goes Bilingual! / "A Timely Bitch" artık iki dilde yayınlanıcak

13 Day 319, 12:26 Published in Turkey Turkey

We at "A Timely Bitch" are proud to welcome the famous Ruzgarli to the staff! This morning, PrincessMedyPi and Ruzgarli decided that there was a need for more bilingual media in Turkey. Starting today, "A Timely Bitch" will become a bilingual

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