Ze Rebuttle: Imperialism

Day 802, 23:27 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

"A warning to the prophet, the liar, the honest
This is War
To the leader, the pariah, the victim, the messiah
This is war"

Joe Newton has been kind enough to take me up on the Imperialism argument, and offered a response to my review of Imperialism by publishing his own views towards Imperialism in context of what I mentioned in my previous article Imperialism: Part One

First of all, I would like to address the "Exit Strategy" that was mentioned.
During the Jude Connors show last Wednesday, the point of an "exit strategy" or the closing of failed imperialistic invasion wars was brought up. Many blamed previous presidents for not closing wars against Russia, Portugal, and France as the reason that the United States fell into its dire situation during World War Three. The "exit strategy" was split into two parts. It would be a diplomatic policy adopted by Presidents that would ensure that the United States closed any and all wars of failed imperialism in order to prevent situations like World War Three, by one of two methods. Proposing peace and hoping that the nation we just invaded will not choose to keep its open mpp's against our 0 mpps, and willingly close the war with us. Or option two, politically take over the country and force them to make peace with us.
The first part is....reasonable to an extent, if not idealistic. However, the second option is pure lunacy.
Maybe an example can put this better than rambling.
...and a familiar one at that. Russia.
We declare war on Russia, and invade Far Eastern Russia. Russia (along with Hungary, Indonesia, UK, Turkey, Serbia, ect) push back our forces. Our current president decides "okay, we can't win this one" and proposes peace. Not only have we just lost around 1700 gold declaring war on this country, we are now leaving it up to Russia, who has full mpp's against us, to willingly close that war. I'm guessing their response will be something like...."Hell no."

Well then....Onward to plan B!

We have to PTO Russia and close this war. Get the air force on the line and send in the mobile voters! Oh wait citizenship
Okay...um...two options. Use game exploits and give our guys citizenship, or do it the right way.
Go with the right way, and send some covert people over and get them into congress.
One Month Later: Accept more people, more seats.
Two Months Later: Accept more, more seats.
Three Months Later: You get the idea.

^ So, repeat that until we have enough people to gain a majority in congress. But just how many people would we need there really?
A quick look at the total votes in Russia can explain that pretty damn quickly.
2396 votes total for the congressional elections of January 2010
That means we'd have to meet about half that, 1198 votes.
So we'd have to move 1198 people from the United States to Russia....without them noticing.
If they were to notice, they could call in their own help from Hungary (4229 votes), Serbia (5486 votes), Indonesia (1616 votes), ect.
Not to mention the fact that moving 1198 people would require 4792 moving tickets, and each ticket goes for market price of about 6.48, at the lowest possible price. Assuming we could buy every ticket at this price, and not literally run out of tickets on the market, it would still cost 31,052.16 USD, or roughly 822 gold. Not to mention this is assuming that no other Phoenix power intervenes to help one of its most important allies, or the fact that moving 1198 people would be moving about 1/3 of the people who voted in the last congressional election, the same one where we lost seats to PTO'ers.

If that jumble of math and stats didn't convince you that we can't PTO people that won't sign peace with us, just remember what happened last election. American Congressmen lost seats because we weren't able to prevent Hungarian operatives from taking their seats. A PTO of over 50% of the American Congress is incredibly unlikely, but the fact remains. We have been targeted before, and we can be targeted before. If a President were to PTO every country that wouldn't sign peace with us, that president would be risking the internal stability of the United States of America.


Invading nations does kill babies.
Talk to any new player just beginning to play this game.
Its Incredibly confusing, and takes awhile to get used to.
Now take all that confusion about the game, and combine it with the fact that....you're in occupied territory. Starting the game during the Russian occupation in...Washington. As if it wasn't strange enough, the new player is now Russian! The media? Russian! The welcoming message? That's in Russian too! All the people around you? Russian!
You're going to tell me if you started playing a random game, started it, and it was in another language, you wouldn't quit like....immediately? All the stuff that's supposed to help you out you need to translate.
Furthermore, does anyone remember the baby killer companies? Yep, warring countries would literally go to their enemies, start companies, offer jobs at a HUGE wage for new players, and trap them there. These companies were made specifically to kill new players.

Invading Colombia, Mexico, or the Uk 😕= Justice

These countries are not a threat to us any longer. Their past actions are not the best, that's plainly obvious. However, destruction and occupation as countries simply because they crossed us? Hows that justice? If you want to label it as Vengeful, or petty, be my guest, but Just? Hell no.
Best example of all is Mexico. If I'm not mistake....we invaded them? So...wouldn't them letting an ally through....be just seeing as we literally attacked them before?
Colombia was but a pawn in the last desperate ploy of PEACE to save what remained of their invasion. We had Russia on the run, and the introduction of Colombia did nothing. They're annoying little buggers, that much is true. Worthy of us marching through Mexico and obliterating? Eh....no.

Real War 😕= Imperialism

Throughout Newton's article, he says that Real War drives the eWorld. But here's the thing, Real war doesn't mean Imperialism. Imperialism is occupation. Imperialism is taking on countries weaker than ours simply because of resources, or manufactured reasons. In fact, Imperialism isn't real war. Imperialism is fake war. A real war is going up against a strong opponent, worthy of our effort. A true adversary of a country. Colombia isn't a true adversary. Mexico isn't a true adversary. The United Kingdom isn't a true adversary. A real war would have aspects of Honor and Respect, that of true glory. When you see Hungary attacking and occupying Slovakia, do you think that is true war? Do you look upon them as if they had a good time in that war, like it was worthy of their time? Just imagine how it would look if we attacked Mexico. It'd be the Same. Damn. Thing.

This game is more than War. And I'm playing to prove that. The very act of me writing these words proves it. Erepublik is no more simply a game of war, than real life is.

"I do believe in the light, raise your hands up to the sky.
The fight is done, the war is won, lift your hands towards the sun."

Bring it