You want media? Here's some media.

Day 1,153, 00:44 Published in Norway USA by graduallynevele

So I've been around a good while, now; around 535 days; and have never really fallen into two clicking too badly. What keeps me going? The same thing that got me hooked on eRepublik in the first place: the Media. I love reading around the world and hear about what's going on, people's ideas, or just little tidbits to make the game more fun.

While I'm sad that papers like Sossu's or Aeros' have faded away, there are still many, worldwide, that write frequently, brilliantly, or just to update on a situation. Many are a combination.

I've compiled a list of some of my favorite ongoing newspapers from citizens around the world. Most all write in English, although a few don't now and again.

I speak Spanish, so I read a ton of Spanish/Argentinian media as well, but I'll spare you and not post those. 😉

These are my favorite papers, today:

Around the World in 60 Seconds, by Roger Griswald.
-=Words on a Mishon=-, by Misho.
Cloud Cuckoo Land News, by Yan Hoek.
Note Book, by St Krems.
The High Times, by Sztandarowy.
The Paper Mache, by Gulden Draak.
The Vanguard World, by Glove.
The Northern Telegraph, by Acacia Mason.

The Umbrella Informer, by M.Leviathin

Statistics (Mostly):
Population Statistics, by Kevy Kev Kev Junion Shabado.
eWorld Trade Center, by dSokre.
From the Shelf, by Bogdan_L

The Voice of EDEN, EDEN.
Words of PEACE, PEACE.
Forsvarsnytt, Forsvaret.
Norgesnyhetene, Department of Public Relations.

So I ask you take a look at some of them. Maybe you're already subscribed; maybe you're familiar with some names or have seen a few Top 5 Internationals; or maybe it's someone entirely new. Take some time, in game, to scroll through these and take a look at what I've offered. A lot of these are historically important, as well as recent.

You'll notice I have posted both EDEN and PEACE's papers, but not Phoenix. Why? I don't like Phoenix' paper; it was mostly Media Mogul lists. EDEN and PEACE actually wrote some good things, and whoever currently has access to the PEACE GC account has recently been posting a few thoughtful things.

I also posted the Public Relations and Forsvaret papers, although I don't really hold too much attachment to them. Felt they'd be a little important. 😉


On a more serious note, unrelated to the above. I've chatted with many different people on the IRC, in game, and a bit on the forums, since my presidency, about the issue of a PTO.

We currently, at the moment, are facing two large threats: The Polish and the Romanians.

The Polish are kinder, and don't seem to hold any horrible intentions, unlike (presumably) the majority of those from Romania, and at the moment, our president, Grouth, is Polish and has been doing a great job.

What I'm worried about are the multi-accounts that have been appearing or sticking around, and how it's affecting the party elections and congress. Right now, there are a lot of faces in Congress that I don't know. I've been around in eNorway for 6 months; so that's saying something. As well, most have been born in the last few weeks, which is a larger rise for concern.

I don't know if we've been getting real Norwegians; I really don't. I've been pretty out of the loop on who's been hanging out in Norway, and I hate pointing fingers.

I'm just worried.

We're under a real PTO threat, right now. There's no doubt about it.

Just a warning. We are not Polish. We are not Romanian. We are Norwegian.
