Welcome!- info I guess

Day 622, 18:39 Published in Malaysia Sweden by Gustavius

First: The article is sterile if you would ask me, so listen to some music ffs, also a picture of what? The Malaysia flag? Naahh...

Well, as the Minister of Defence I would like to welcome the Thai-population to Malaysia. I'm sure that some of you are surprised and I'm sure that some people dislike the things which have happened since the last time you logged in to eRepublik, but you know, this is the current situation and you just need to handle is I guess.

But the reason why I write is because I want to push some things forward so it's clear. The first thing is Tentera Darat Malaysia, the Malaysian army (or "The Malaysian Land Forces really, but it acts as the Malaysian army). We are currently still reorganizing the army but it would never hurt to gain some new soldiers.

Therefore I would like to ask all the new Thai-citizens to join Tentera Darat Malaysia, by doing the things which this article requests but also having patience with the slow reorganization which will lead up to new squads, new leaders for the squads, new names for most of the regiments and such.

After that I would like to recommend you to join the new Malaysian forum, created just a few days ago... The forum might need some extra work with it, but it's also, just like the army, an ongoing project for the current government.

And last, I think that I would like once again welcome every new citizen to Malaysia, but also ask for you patience, most likely for example we will have some problems with the citizenship as we only can grant around 30 people this month, and we can expect perhaps around 25 to be granted this months and around the same amount the months after that I'm afraid... (btw, I think this, I'm still not sure if the amount of citizenships which the congress can grant is based on the number of citizens, or inhabitants of a country, as if it's based on the amount of inhabitants I guess we could perhaps grant 20 guys extra the next month, as we are around 500 citizens right now)

Also a last thing perhaps: Now as a new person in Malaysia, it's vital to be a part of the society, so why not join a party? Why not join Malaysian Action Party?

Minster of Defence Gustavius.