Welcome in eAustralia

Day 513, 02:18 Published in Romania Indonesia by TaviTav
Article for helping economy and social grow of eAustralia

The BBQ is on and ready waiting for eAussies.
I am Stewart B i am a new eAussie living and working in eAustralia. I am writing this article to make contact to the many eAussies in eRomania and ask you come back to our great land and help me develop our ecountry.
If you contact me I am happy to pay for your ticket home.

Why you ask should you come home?

1.We need you to work in our companies and develop the economy.
2.We need your expertise to develop new ideas
3.We need you to mentor new players
4.We need to grow the population and have more active player in the elections and the political parties we need more diversity.
5.We have cold beers and hot snags waiting for you. 

So message me and find out more about what is going on back home or join the new Face Book community


“Building a Smarter and Fairer eAustralia”
“Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi oi oi”

Tavi - Best regards for Aussies from Romania.
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