About wellness (for beginners) - UN VOT SA AJUNGA PE INTERNATIONAL

Day 391, 04:01 Published in Romania Hungary by eORG

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This article is meant for beginners, for those that don’t know very much about wellness or for those who are too lazy to read the wiki.

When you go to work, all the managers ask for high wellness. Why? Because your wellness influences your productivity. Higher wellness means higher productivity.

So, what should you do to have a high wellness? Easy! Buy a house and/or get high quality food. Everybody knows that, but not everybody know how wellness works. First, let’s see what consumes your wellness.

Everyday life. If you don’t have any food in your inventory, your wellness drops everyday depending of your current wellness level.

- When your wellness is between 1 and 10, your wellness loses 1 unit per day;
- When your wellness is between 11 and 50, your wellness loses 2 units per day;
- When your wellness is between 51 and 80, your wellness loses 3 units per day;
- When your wellness is between 81 and 100, your wellness loses 4 units per day.

When you go to work. When you go to work, your wellness drops depending of the quality of the company you are working for.

- You work for a Q1 company – you loose 1 unit of wellness per workday;
- You work for a Q2 company – you loose 2 unit of wellness per workday;
- You work for a Q3 company – you loose 3 unit of wellness per workday;
- You work for a Q4 company – you loose 4 unit of wellness per workday;
- You work for a Q5 company – you loose 5 unit of wellness per workday

Army training. Every train day drops your wellness with one unit.

The fight. When you enter a fight, you automatically loose 20 units of wellness. More of that, for every trivia wrong answer you loose 5 more units. If you choose to skip the trivia you loose only 20 units more.

When you change your residence. This is not just loosing wellness. You can also gain units. This is depending of your quality of the moving ticket. Low level tickets make you loose wellness, high level tickets brings you wellness

- Q1 moving ticket – you loose 2% of your current wellness;
- Q2 moving ticket – you loose 1% of your current wellness;
- Q3 moving ticket – you don’t loose any wellness, but you don’t receive any either;
- Q4 moving ticket – you gain 1% of your current wellness;
- Q5 moving ticket – you gain 2 % of your current wellness.

Being a manager. If you are the manager of a company, you loose 1 unit of wellness per day. You can’t drop below 0.

These were the actions that consume wellness. Now, let’s see how can you raise your wellness.

Food. When you eat, your wellness raises depending your current wellness and the quality of the food. If you want to know how many units of wellness you gain when eating, just apply the following formula:

Units of wellness = (1.5 - CurrentWellness/100)*FoodQuality.

You have 80 units of wellness and use Q4 Food.
Units of wellness = (1.5 – 80/100)*4 = 0.7 * 4 = 2.8 units
You have 10 units of wellness and use Q2 Food.
Units of wellness = (1.5 – 10/100)*2 = 1.4 * 2 = 2.8 units.

Notice that is easier to raise your wellness when it has low values!

The House. The houses raise your wellness, exactly in the same way as the food, exactly the same formula. The single difference is that the house you buy just once, and the food everyday.

Be careful! The house don’t work if you don’t use food. For receiving the wellness units from the house, you have to use food. If you want to know how many wellness units you receive when having a house and using food, just make the sum of the two formulas.

You have 80 units of wellness, use Q4 food and own a Q3 house.
Units of wellness (food) = (1,5 – 80/100)*4 = 2.8 units.
Units of wellness (house) = (1,5 – 80/100)*3 = 2.1 units

Making a sum, you notice that you gain 4.9 units of wellness.

Gifts. The gifts are a fast way of raising the wellness. Depending of the quality of the gift, you receive a percent of wellness.

- Q1 gift – wiki says you receive 1% of your current wellness. For real, you receive one unit.
- Q2 gift – you receive 2% of your wellness;
- Q3 gift – you receive 3% of your wellness;
- Q4 gift – you receive 4% of your wellness;
- Q5 gift – you receive 5% of your wellness.

Unfortunately you can not receive more that 10 points of wellness per day. Also, you can’t send gifts to yourself. You’ll have to ask someone else to send you gifts or to make an exchange with him.

The Hospital. A hospital gives you wellness units proportionally with its quality. If there is a Q1 hospital you receive 10 units of wellness, q2 hospital 20 units, q3 30 units, etc. The maximum amount of units you can receive is 50 from a q5 hospital.

But, for receiving wellness from hospital there are some rules:
- You must have already fought in that day. (Fight, not army training)
- You have less than 100 units of wellness (like doh!)
- There is a hospital in the region;
- To be for the first time in that day at the hospital (You can not go to hospital more than once per day).

Wellness Pack. You can buy the wellness pack for 2 GOLD from Market – Get Gold & Extras.

What happens when your wellness drops to 0?
You die! Just like that. Your “fired” from the party, you don’t receive emails anymore, you’re retired from any election list (president, congress, party). Is there anything that remains to you? Yes. You will have all the money and the gold, all your items in the inventory, the newspaper, you are still employed, your already received and sent emails, the list of friends and your experience points.

Hope some of you find this article helpful and don’t forget to vote.
Sorry for my faulty English!