Wake up! [HR/EN]

Day 1,413, 00:16 Published in Croatia Croatia by mkey

"Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories"

Sjećate li se ovog članka? Možete li pronaći njegovo prvo izdanje? Svaki dan nauči se nešto novo, ja sam danas naučio kako se članci brišu i dugo nakon objavljivanja, dugo nakon što su bili u top international, bez apsolutno ikakve obavijesti, napomene ili upozorenja. Jeste li sigurni kako su svi vaši članci još uvijek na broju?

Can you rember this article? Are you able to find the first edition? Each one of us learns something new every day, that's how today I learned user content can be removed long after it has been posted and stayed on top of inernational news, without any message, notification or caution. Are you sure all of your arcticles are still there?

Know thy enemy [HR/EN]

Slika govori više od tisuću riječi / One picture is worth a thousand words

Jeste li znali kako novi igrač dobije dvije bazuke čim krene igrati? Ja nisam, tako da sam danas ispao budala. Teža budaletina, ako smijem dodati. Računica je apsurdna:
- moj udarac je 1690, sa tenkom. Slabašan mi je račun iako igram već godinama, tu ćemo se lako složiti
- ako lupim 55 puta, to izađe 92950 influenca
- ukupni trošak je oko 11 tenkova i 55 q5 hrane, dakle ukupno oko 500KN

Za račun koji je netko danas otvorio, prije 30 sekundi:
- udarac 1 influence, s bazukom 5000
- dvije bazuke, 6 udaraca, ukupno 30.000 influenca
- ukupni trošak ništa

Dakle, ako netko želi poništiti moj utjecaj u borbi (koji nije pretjeran) treba otvoriti svega tri računa, izlupati i pustiti ih da umru, napravit će preko 90.000 štete. Ako se želi poništiti jednog tipičnog BH koji napravi cca 400.000 influenca, potrebno ih je 13-14. Koliko jedan igrač može napraviti lažnih računa? Recimo 3 minute po računu, ako sve radi "ručno". Dakle, za jedno poluvrijeme nogometne utakmice 10 do 15 komada bez problema, s ukupnim utjecajem 300.000 do 450.000. I to sve samo jedna osoba, za jedno poluvrijeme. Deset osoba? Deset osoba po dva puta na dan? Koliko je stvarnog utjacaja u borbama koje se odvijaju danas? Je li "kupljeni" utjecaj zaista manje vrijedan od "poklonjenog"? Jesu li današnji tenkovi budale a ljudi koji idu jefinijim kanalima pametni? Ako mene pitate, jesu. Pravila igre su postavljena, pametan čovjek će ih znati iskoristiti. A pritom će mu trebati puno manje klikanja.

Ako se pogleda malo unaprijed, što tu admin i uz najbolju volju (koje očito nema) može učiniti? Kako obrisati račun koji egzistira tek nekoliko minuta? Kako ukloniti njihov utjecaj u borbi? Tehnički je teško izvedivo brisati utjecaj u borbi koja ide uživo i traje svega 90 do 120 minuta. Isto je tako teško povjerovati kako se itko želi baviti ovim problemom. Veliko je pitanje zašto se novom igraču onomad dala onolika ekonomska moć, sada je pitanje zašto im se daje ovolika vatrena. Ako se povedemo dobrom starom "pametnom jednom dosta" očito je kakva se poruka šalje igračima, očito je što bi trebali raditi kako bi se u borbu uvela ravnoteža. Ne, ne govorim kako bi trebalo kupovati još više golda.

Ovaj je članak moguće obrisati, ali istinu nije. Svakog je moguće ušutkati, ali glas ne može oteti ikome. Poznaj svog neprijatelja.

Did you know that every new player gets two bazookas for free? I certainly didn't and was made looking like an idiot just earlier today. The facts are absur😛
- my hit with a tank is 1690. For a rather old player this is low, I'll agree on this point
- with 55 strikes of mine I can make 92920 influence
- the total cost will be 11 tanks and 55 q5 food. Total of about 500KN.

An account which has been created today, just 30 seconds ago:
- its hit is about 1 influence, 5000 with a bazooka
- for 2 given bazookas it can have 30.000 influence in 6 hits
- total cost of this influence is nothing

So, if someone would set out to counter my influence in any given battle, he would have to create 3 fake accounts, hit with them, let them die afterwards and thusly score 90.000 free influence. If he would want to counter a typical player claiming the BH award, he would need about 13-14 accounts. How many fake accounts can one person create? Well, lets assume it takes 3 minutes to create one manually. During one half-time of a soccer match, this person could create 10 to 15 accounts without too much hassle, which would net about 300.000 to 450.000 of free influence. This is valid for one person in one not too long setting. What about ten individuals? What about ten individuals in two settings per day? How much real influence is out there today? Is the influence made with bought gold less worth then this easy, fake influence? Are today's tanks fools for even trying to outsmart the "smart" players? Yes they are, if you ask me. The rules have been laid out, the smart individual will find a way to get along. And with much less clicking at that.

If we take one second to look ahead, what can (with all the good will, which seems to be absent at this time) admin do about this issue? How can anyone delete some account that has only existed for a few minutes and has been active for 30 seconds? It's technically very difficult to delete influence in a live, ongoing battle, with a duration of mere 90 to 120 minutes. It's equally difficult to imagine admin even wants to tackle this problem as otherwise the new player wouldn't be given firstly the economical might now all the instant fire power. The good ol' saying "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" say it all, really. The smart man will know how to bring balance to the battlefield... no, I'm not talking about buying gold.

This article may be deleted, but the truth can not. Individuals can be silenced, but their voices can not be taken. Know thy enemy.

Server time 2:00, day 1393

111 new citizens, 3.330.000 influence

382 new citizens, 11.460.000 influence

243 new citizens, 7.290.000 influence

75 new citizens, 2.250.000 influence

87 new citizens, 2.610.000 influence

52 new citizens, 1.560.000 influence

73 new citizens, 2.190.000 influence

41 new citizens, 1.230.0000 influence

56 new citizens, 1.680.000 influence