Vote William Duncan and Derek Harland for Country President!

Day 682, 16:18 Published in Canada Canada by ArtyP


Why? Here's why:

Here is a PORTION of one of the programs that will be beneficial to YOU, once WDDH are elected Country President! Taken right off the platform,

"There are a few new programs that we want to initiate in our term. One is called the HBTC (Honest Business Tax Credit). We want to reward honest, hard-working eCanadian companies and give them a break from their hard earned money being payed in tax dollars all the time. That is why we propose that when ever a business takes out money from their company accounts, if they screenshot the transaction and show how much is going to government funding we will refund them 20% of their tax credit, up to a certain amount. It is important to keep companies motivated and this plan will hopefully allow them to save a few bucks and put it back into the economy elsewhere, most likely in reinvestment.

So, to all you company owners out there, vote William Duncan and Derek Harland, to have more in your wallet!

To see their full platform, click here: WDDH Platform

Change and Leadership we can all believe in