Vote or Die!

Day 543, 09:36 Published in USA USA by Muljo Gobet

Congressional elections are always fun. Not beforehand when 200 wannabes spam their article everywhere. That part is annoying as hell which is why I’m getting this one out of the way early. What I meant was, Congressional elections are fun on the actually voting day. After I’ve voted (for myself of course) I like to go through the election result list, talking to myself. Saying things like, “Sweet, I’m glad he’s winning.”, or “How in the world is that noob beating a clearly qualified candidate?”, occasionally I’ll say “Aww hell no, if that dude wins I’m going to kill myself.” Most of the time the better qualified candidate wins and everything works out for the best. Personally, I think this latest batch of Congressmen/women have been the best group we’ve ever had since I first started running three months ago.

This latest group has really got things done. I’m proud to say that I’ve been a part of that group. I’m positive this next group of Senators will be just as good. Especially if I get re-elected again. Voters of North Carolina, you may be asking yourself a few things “How does this ego that so happens to call himself a human being, continues to get re-elected again and again?” and “What have you done for me? Why should I even vote for you again?”

First question, because I’m awesome like that. Second question, I voted for ALL of the legislation which DECREASED your taxes. Need I say more? I don’t think so, but I’m going to anyways because I like to hear myself talk. I was part of the group who passed the budget process and calendar legislation. This help streamline how Congress votes on matters which makes us more efficient. For you newer people, remember when you got your citizen message from the President and it said FREE FOOD at the top of the message? Yeah, my idea. This increased applicants to MoW from 30 to 70 per day. Now there’s the question of, whether or not MoW should even exist and I’m right in the middle of that argument, but I also believe, if we’re going to do something, we're doing to do it to the best of our abilities or not at all. Another idea I approve of is MASH. This could be a cheaper and more efficient way to replace MoW. More details about it can be found here: I encourage everyone to help out in this and make this game a more fun place for everyone who participates.

Lastly, I’ve said a lot of things in this article but it doesn’t really matter if I can’t back it up. My voting record can be found at the bottom of the following link: Thanks for listening once again and vote for me, Muljo Gobet, in the next North Carolina elections. Thank you 🙂

God Bless eAmerica!