Vote Eire Aontaithe - The best, The brightest

Day 976, 11:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Connell

Hi Everyone,

A bit About
I'm a RL Yellow-Belly(Wexford) and am currently working in the French Riviera 😃 on my summer break from Uni. Through my life I've had a number of successes with RL and erep-L ventures. I'm good at compiling plans, organising and like to think myself as someone who can lead Ireland onto better things.
I don't like talking about that so much though 😉

I'm not going to list off my medals because anyone can get them, all you have to do is turn up. Instead I'm going to say a few words on the kind of policies I've been working to get through and accomplishments which have made a real difference in how eIreland works today.

This month I was awarded the challenge of Ministry of Industry by our esteemed President Irishbhoy. This has in the past been a ministry which has just involved running the companies owned by the state. Paschoall and I have changed this with fresh new idea's such as the General Manager v2 kick start program. This will serve Ireland for the future as a great way to contact Ireland's business people.

Besides working on projects such as the above, we've been managing all 7 state companies under our control. We're one of the most active industries int he government right now and we have been keeping up with an almost daily update of what we're doing.
This will be a good tool for anyone in the government and future Ministers of Industry to follow on, learn from and understand how the ministry works.

Over the last month I have been one of the most active posters on the Dáil forums, adding to whatever discussion I could and trying my best to work out better solutions with the other congressmen.

Eire Aontaithe
Still the most prolific election success record which can not be equaled. We are truly a step ahead of the rest, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members which have worked to improve EA's position in this country.

While most other parties in Ireland are struggling we are growing and this last month has been the most successful month EA has ever had.

It's an honour to be Party President this term and we would love to see you all there too.

The last three terms I have been p much in charge of the EA congress elections, over this time I have had great help from a few of the lads, which greatly helped with our eventual success.
This term has been no different and I would like to give a special mention to Bristel Akina + Dartheleven, who gave a lot of his time this term for the party and the people running for Congress.

We have more congress members than ever before this term and with our members help we will continue with our incredible 100% success rate in Congress elections. While having every official congress applicant successful we also manage to get the most congress people elect per vote than any other party.
This just shows our endevour is not lacking and it's through our inventiveness that we're really shining.
Thank you all

Join EA, Irelands most organised party and sure vote Connell while you're at it 😛

Make sure you're going in the right direction

Vote Connell in the South-East + vote EA everywhere else

I'm providing MT's to anyone who needs them to travel just send me a msg