Today I feel...

Day 953, 14:23 Published in Canada Canada by nucksalltheway

Today I feel many things. Sorrow, Happiness, Excitement, Sadness, and Relief among many others. But I stay somber, as that is the mood of the day.

On May 31st, shortly after learning of the death of Marius "Scott" Coroleone VIA Coda's article, I was in #eCanCAF with many other's. That's when I started thinking, and one idea struck me as particularly Important. This is my original post in closed-door Congress. That is where it all took place, and I urge you to read the discussion, of the creation, of the eCanadian Remembrance Day.

Today, I feel like a parent on the day their child graduates. For today, I see the greatest thing I have ever done in Erepublik come to life. View Franky's article for all the information.

I don't know what to say, other than I wish for eCanada to use this day well, but to also remember and honour our fallen on every day of the year.

This was my child at the start. It then became the child of congress. And it has now become the child of eCanada.

The circle is complete.
And I thank you.
As we now have a child.
A child that can only grow.
Although sadly.
So will the list of those we remember on the day.

In Remembrance, I bring you our child.

The eCanadian Remembrance Day.

Your's truly, Nucksalltheway o7