To all congressmen: DON'T PROPOSE TAX CHANGES!

Day 403, 13:58 Published in Canada Canada by Alexander Rearden

Right now, junior congressmen are proposing legislation on topics they no very little about in the hopes of making a name for themselves and it is hurting Canada.

Over the past few days a handful of congressmen have been proposing tax changes to areas they feel need changing. They do, but the place to discuss them is on the forums and they should know that. The day before the congressional elections a new tax system was proposed to increase supply during the France war. It was altered today with news the war will end soon, it is as follows:

The first number is Income tax, the second import and the third VAT tax.
Food 5% 50% 5 %
Gift 5% 50% 5 %
Weapon 5% 50% 5 %
Moving 7% 99% 5 %
Grain 5% 1%
Diamonds 7% 99%
Iron 5% 1%
Oil 7% 99%
Wood 7% 99%
House 7% 1% 3%
Hospital 1% 99% 1 %
Defense 0% 0% 0 %

This plan is a three pronged move to establish a beneficial business cycle in Canada during peace, by lowering prices (via lowered tariffs), increasing the value of the Canadian Currency relative to gold and protect industries where supply naturally outpaces demand due to our abundance of raw materials.

So, congressmen, if you don't like these taxes debate them on the forum don't waste time by proposing something else. When that is done, we can not propose another tax change that same day, so please fall the rules and make Canada great!

-Alexander Rearden, Minister of Finance, 4th mandate congressmen.