There's Life Yet For the NHS

Day 507, 10:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by South West Regional Council
Greetings South Westerners!

As you know, I am the South West Regional Councillor for health and NHS director here in the SW. Lately, I have had many messages asking why gifts aren't being delivered and general complaints about ill-health and the like.

I explained in these messages that I have not received funding for gifts in two weeks, so naturally I don't have the money to buy gifts, to then distribute amongst the needy population. I have even recieved small donations from Clinic friends so they can receive gifts! Obviously, I don't want that to be the system of healthcare in the region!

The difficulty facing the NHS has been the cost of funding. For example, in my last request I needed 700GBP to cater for a weeks gifting needs.

However, recently there has been talk of reforming the NHS system and that is exactly what is going to happen.

The details of legislation are going through parliament at the moment and calculations are being made by the new Minister of Health, the SW very own Azra'eil!

What are the changes? Well, they are quite detailed and I'm not quite sure I've got to grips with them entirely yet but basically:

Those below 45 Wellness and/or below level 5
Add their local clinic as before and the NHS shall function as normal for this category.

Those over 45 Wellness

Will not be eligible for NHS gifting. They will however be eligible for the "Wellness Fast Programme", which shall be available once a month. Citizens will be given two moving tickets and instructions to move to a country currently at war, and a region with a Q5 hospital. They will fight once, and gain forty health. If . This givescitizens the option to gain 40 wellness instantly, lifting many citizens from 50-60 health to 90-100, which is a sustainable level and has the additional benefit of raising citizens experience.

I will of course notify you of any changes and give more detail as soon as it is all verified!

Thanks for Reading
rolfus_mercartor, Councillor for Health