The USA Declared War on Japan

Day 747, 11:18 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

An hour ago, the new president of the United States of America declared war on Japan. In a statement of his in the context of his victory in the elections, he declared that as a "good compromise to the United Kingdom deal.", the USA would instead invade the Empire of Japan.

Furthermore he explained that the purpose of this move would be to boost the American economy and suggested that it serves to gain access to the Chinese mainland, presumably to seize one of the two Iranian- and Hungarian-held High Iron regions there.
His Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto, Emperor of Japan, has already replied to these upcoming threat and declared that the Empire will stand against the invaders and defend their nation to the very end.

Even if this attack is "merely" a means to reach out for to other regions (under the pretext of liberating China but ultimately to secure a slice of the high iron cake for themselves) as Jewitt implied, it is still the most shocking political action I have seen in these past few months, also considering how the USA could have politely asked for a region swap instead.
While Spain's invasion of France was strategically idiotic and not entirely justifiable, this crime cannot be tolerated or even accepted under any circumstances. The Empire of Japan is by far one of the most peaceful nations in the entire game, its vest is as pure as the white of their flag, and its history and policies are amongst the most respectable ones in the entire eWorld.

While a long-time member of PEACE GC, this small but virtuous nation has almost never done wrong before. Whenever PEACE moved out to conquer and oppress, the Empire firmly denied its participation, condemned the alliance's wrongdoings, and has not a single time deployed its army or encouraged their citizens to support any war of aggression. On the other hand, they have often shown to diligently stand by their allies and to courageously rush to the aid of nations in peril, as has been the case with Germany during the Swedish and Polish invasion.
The only thing frequently blamed on them is their region swap with Indonesia preceding the latter's invasion of the USA, but those who condemn the nation for this seem to make the mistake of thinking Japan had a choice (other than "follow suit or be wiped off the map&quot😉 or say in the matter in the first place.

Their firmly righteous mentality and unshakable ideals are akin to Canada's, and to illegitimately attack the sovereignty of this lighthouse of virtue which ought to serve as a shining example to innumerable others is a move lowlier than the crawling in dirt of a spineless worm.

Whatever their motivation, if the USA decides to pursue their schemes at the cost of such a brilliant diamond on the map, they have made themselves criminals of a most ruthless kind. There would surely have been other ways to access China's occupied regions, ones less akin to a rape of Justitia herself. Furthermore they hereby completely drown EDEN's image in the blood of the innocent, completing the work Spain has started, and possibly pushing another nation back towards PHOENIX's sphere of influence simply out of its need to be able to defend itself; if not others as well who might become frightened by this barbaric behaviour.

Thus, I call out to any self-respecting citizen out there, defend Japan and her honour and freedom; be it by the sword or the feather, by means of gold or lead!