War with America - Our National Mission

Day 747, 09:58 Published in Japan Japan by TheMakoto

There is a time for the arts, for culture, for developing our ties as human beings between each other and to cherish the great national identity our nation has forged as a bastion of values that are often lacking in other parts of the world.

And there is a time for blood and sweat, for fierce determination, for sacrifice and to stand united as one people and one nation to fight for what we believe is right and just, if needed until the very end.

This is the time we live in now.

Minutes ago, the newly elected American President has announced his intentions to invade the Japanese Empire, without a casus belli and without pressing political animosities existing between our nations previous to this unprovoked and unexpected act. The American President decided to invade the country adhering to the Righteous Nation Philosophy, one of the most transparent, peaceful and neutral democratic societies known to us.

To quote and paraphrase, ironically, an American:

"the Japanese Empire was at peace with that nation. [...] The facts of today speak for themselves. The people of the Japanese Empire have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our nation."

There had been suggestions that I, as the Emperor, should speak to the American people and urge them to vote against this invasion, to urge Congress to not adopt the stance of the President. I decided against this.

It is clear to us now that the criminal invasion of our peaceful nation has been planned a long time ago by the American elites, wishing to force their imperialistic and totalitarian vision upon the rest of the world in the name of petty revanchism and nationalism.

The Righteous Nation has not and will never engage in aggressive actions against peaceful states. Japan has and will continue to support righteous undertakings across the globe in the defense of liberty and democracy. That is our national mission, our national resolve.

As we have helped the world, we are now hoping for its help. We will resist. We will fight. And we might loose, but we will keep our heads high, so that we can say 'We did not cease resisting until the very last moment'.

Our way of life, our approach to the game and our national integrity and future security are in grave danger. There is no doubt about that.

However, we are a strong community, a strong people. I urge the people, the political parties, the president, to forge a grand national unity, to put petty political differences aside and emerge in the grand collective that is the united Japanese people. There is a time for political competition. This time is not now.

I have confidence in our leaders, our people and our armed forces; I have confidence in the steadfastness of our allies and freedom loving people everywhere, that our struggle will not be in vain.

With the gods on our side, we will achieve ultimate and lasting victory and secure for ourselves a place in the new world order that is to be, having defended our constitution and ourselves with our own blood.

Never forget the criminal treachery of December the 7th. Let us celebrate Christmas in a free and united Japan, so the gods will.

Kokawayoshi Makoto
Emperor of Japan