The Unity Party Bids You Good Luck

Day 411, 13:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Unity Party

The Unity Party has played Switzerland in the battle between PCP and UKRP this election, by endorsing neither and supporting both. The forum has been hot this term, as all citizens unite to debate who will step into the shoes of our beloved Prime Minister; Dishmcds, who is stepping down after two very successful terms as our nations leader. Both sides have presented decent candidates and both sides have campaigned well.

Therefore, The Unity Party would like to wish both Deatholl32 and Relic good luck in the Country President elections tomorrow. May the best man win.

We would also like to take this moment, to encourage the undecided, to read both manifestos, and take a look at the discussion threads from both candidates. Remember, you are not voting for the party, you are voting for the candidate. Choose who YOU think is best.

Opening Statement
Opening Statement
Discussion Thread

(Apologies for that last duff link, I just can not get it to work!)