The supposed unity of the Irish Army

Day 3,889, 15:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

After almost 6 days into the week we see only 5 members doing any damage.

Notable people who didnt score a single Iota included t1nker the former Seanan long time Mod and commander of the Irish Army

now looking at the Dude we can see 50% activity.

That was obtained by doing a massive purge and getting rid of inactive members.

So please tell us why you should be the "national army" if only 15% of your members bother to fight in a week.

When clearly there is no attempt to gain any strength among individual members?

When your collective damage is insignificant.

Now remember their commander was changed to ensure a better line of communication between him and the CP.

ONLY 1 player completed any significant damage. tut tut tut t1nk3r big talk and some obscure history you rely on dont make your military unit worth anything

Tinker claims a lot for someone who basically quit and couldnt stand up again insignificant pressure.

The reason the real irish army was changed to the dude was because the principles of dudeism is more aligned with modern mu's where players are more laid back and pursue their own endeavors.

The great Viktor Kurgan said the clerics should be a mu then of players pursuing their own religious beliefs at their own pace.

The dude is a mu of players pursuing their own military ambitions at their own pace.

we have no unified action... therefore laid back