The Small Party Union: Revived

Day 832, 16:12 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

Greetings eUSA!

CivilAnarchy, Interparty Relations Director of the Socialist Freedom Party speaking, talking to you about the recently proposed Small Party Union

As many of you know, a Union between 6th parties was proposed by M. Leviathan nearly a week ago, in his article Organized Chaos Revisited
After doing some work on the project, Leviathan was forced to abandon the project, along with erepublik, in light of certain RL issues. And as everyone knows, rule #1: RL > the game.

All erep tragedy set aside, this idea is one that could change the very foundation of the eUnited States political atmosphere, and it is an idea that I refuse to let die.

The Small Party Union will be given a chance. And I shall give it that chance.

The SPU is an organization founded on attaining certain goals that many small parties cannot achieve divided. This includes political representation, and military cooperation. By joining in this union, congressional candidates between these parties shall be protected by the entire confederacy of parties, rather than each and every party vying for its own supremacy over the other, and one always losing out. There is also the idea of having a unified Presidential Candidate, to give small party POTUS candidates a better chance at winning the election.

Furthermore, many small parties have militias that they own and operate. These forces are usually well trained, but too small in number to have a significant impact on a battle. Through cooperation between inter party militias, an SPU military force will become more formidable then what the individual militias could ever do on their own.


Finally, this union allows for something that regularly plagues players themselves. The choice between political expansion, and their own party. Many of the strongest small party figures are forced to pick between being held back politically by their own small party, or giving up that environment to expand their own political career. This union will allow those people to have the same influence while sticking with the small parties that they know well.

Now, there is still the issue of direct organization in the SPU. Whether people will take a centralized viewpoint towards it, a decentralized, or so on.

It is because of these details that I am asking of all of the following Political Parties to at least consider this Union, and attend the SPU Caucus that will take place Thursday, 18:00 server time, or 9 P.M. Est. at the IRC channel #SPUcaucus. All that is asked of these parties is that they supply a representative (Maximum of three) or delegation to discuss any concerns or ideas about the Union itself. Hopefully this meeting between parties can lead to the details of the Union being worked out, and possibly the founding members of the Union being decided as well.

The following parties are invited to attend the Caucus:
United Independents Party
Socialist Freedom Party
American Kitten Party
Imperialist Party
Us Green Liberal Democrats Party
Umbrella Research Party
The Bull Moose Party
Republican Party
U.S. Capitalist Party
Technocratic Party of America
Pastafarian Party

Smaller parties not mentioned in this list are allowed to attend, simply send me a message.