Organized Chaos Revisited

Day 822, 19:28 Published in USA Belgium by M.Leviathin

Is your small party having difficulty advancing in the eUSA? That’s not a big surprise. If you’re not in one of the top 5 parties, it can be challenging and near impossible to bring up your party in members and funds to create an efficient political machine. And with so many other small parties reaching for the same goal that you want, with their different beliefs and whatnot, you’ll be struggling just to get enough votes to get one of your members into Congress! However, what if the small parties banded together? What if they decided to help each other get members into Congress, start a group militia, or even to rid themselves of a rival party?

How about we join together in a Union?

Now, this isn’t to say that the parties will have put aside their differences and get along. Far from it. If we did, there would be no fun in this country. This is a proposal to organize us, the small parties, enough so that we can make an impact in our nation, but not to organize us so much that we lose the fun of being a small party. We need to create a more volatile atmosphere in this game.

Here’s an example of how a Union could work. You probably have seen this happen or even participated in this situation before. Your party or that of a friend has become the target of a PTO. The aforementioned party is in danger of being PTO’d and doesn’t have enough votes to secure from the hostile invaders. Poof. They’re gone. All the hard work of bringing that party up is wiped out in one day. However, if the other parties decided to help that party and defend it from the PTOers, there’s a good chance that they will successfully help that party through another month.

On the contrary, what if a party is causing a racket and is just making the game unpleasant to play? Instead of being the defenders, the parties can unite together and become the aggressors, PTOing that party and removing it in-game. Certainly this is more fun than just sitting around watching the big parties get bigger and the smaller parties smaller (or not). This way we have more control of what happens amongst ourselves and shows that we are not just playthings to be messed with.
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Getting Our Voices in Congress

This guy shows small can be deadly. His country, not so much.

You have probably guessed by now that most of the stuff we’ll do in this union consists of getting enough votes for an objective. “What kind of objective?” you might ask. Because of the way this game works, there are basically only two things we can use our votes for that will make a difference. Those are: Congress and Party Elections.
I have already explained how the party elections systems might work out, so I will continue to the Congressional elections.

Our Congress group picture

Getting our members into Congress will be one of the most difficult things that the union will strive to achieve. There are a couple of reasons for this. One, the other parties will also try to get there members into Congress, even harder than they will try to PTO a party. This is because Congress controls the nation. The more members they have in, the more influence they have. That is also the reason we want to get in. We would have to choose which members from which parties we will help support and therefore put more votes into their elections, but I’ll explain this later on. The second reason the Congressional elections will be the most difficult is that we have to choose which people from which of our own parties we will put the most votes in to get them into Congress.

Getting people from a party to vote for a person from another party will be difficult due to the fact that they want to see their members into Congress. You have to realize that we might not be able to get every member into Congress and we have to get the few that we can in. One month, it might be your member(s) and the second month, someone else’s. We have to work together to help each other during these times and once we’re done, we can go after each other’s throats again. Fun, no?
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A Group Militia

This is one of the plans that are currently in planning. No doubt you already know that running a militia costs a lot of money and requires quite a few members to have any impact on where they fight. Smaller parties usually fantasize of starting their own militias as so to draw in more members. Most of the time they cannot afford it and/or they don’t have enough members for it to really take off. This usually discourages the smaller parties and then they fade away.

But what if some of the small parties in the union decide to join forces? They had gained such a positive relationship as union members that they decide to start their own militia. This possibility further encourages the idea of smaller parties joining together in a union. You can do so much more together than you can alone. The military alliances EDEN and Phoenix are perfect examples of members working together for a common goal. This, of course, can only happen if the parties work in unison with one another as to not create imbalances in the militia, ex: one party’s members get higher quality guns than another, but rather reach for equality.

I might just be over ambitious with this plan, but I’m pretty sure that it’s not impossible.

In Conclusion…

You all may feel a bit uneasy about this proposal, even to the point of calling it bad idea. However, I feel that if the parties work together, we can make a bigger mark on this eNation and create a sense of fun that was offered to us by Max McFarland and his own plan to empower the smaller parties. So, I believe we should take the first step on our own and try to rise up and reserve our own seats in the house of Congress.

Here's a list of why you should consider your small party joining the Small Party Union:
1.) There’s a good chance you might find the interaction among rival parties more fun than sitting around waiting for the next PP elections or two-clicking every day.
2.) You’re helping your party members get into Congress and furthering their political careers.
3.) You’re helping make Congress a more interesting place and if you put enough well-written and entertaining articles out, you increasing player retention!
4.) You’re helping your party by increasing the overall activity within it.
5.) You’ve got nothing to lose by joining, so why not join?

For those of you who curious about this plan, please comment or send me a PM containing your question(s). I’ll be happy to explain or to clarify anything that I left out in this article. Remember, we need your help for this to take off, to help the small parties really have a voice in politics. Let’s bring some fun into this game.

Let’s bring some fun into this game.
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Parties that have expressed interest in joining the Union:
1.) Umbrella Research Party
2.) Technocratic Party of America
3.) Nonpartisan League
4.) Pastafarian Party
5.) US Green Liberal Democrats
6.) Bastards of Liberty
7.) Imperialist Party
8.) Republican Party
9.) Manifest Destiny Party