The Right Wing Spectrum Leadership

Day 916, 12:57 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Me again. I’ve been a bit concerned over the state of Spectrum, and how the party is taking a dramatic turn towards the right. I was initially suspicious a while back when RRS and Aelar both switched over in the aftermath of the collapse of the FDP and when I was told about the massive part RRS played in the rebrand. He paid for ads, designed a logo and went to lots of effort to vote up articles. Sounds like a good way to integrate your way into a party no? But then a few weeks later he was running for PP.

Some of you might wonder what I’ve got against RRS. Well apart from him being an extreme rightwinger (whole in a recent vote match polled closest to the BNP first then UKIP second) which could compromise the neutral stance the party takes towards politics with extreme opinions. He’s also incredibly stubborn and refuses to compromise even when it is obvious he is wrong. He’s also brought in his good old friend Arthur Wellesley, founder of the FDP and the person in charge of the treasury when RRS robbed it.

As yes, almost forgot about that for a sec. RoadRunnerSpeed wasn’t happy with the way the country was being run so he overturned the democratic mandate of the PM and stole thousands of gold in an attempt to enforce his will on the people. He still hasn’t given 300g of it back, yet he has the check to propose and vote yes on proposals leading to ministerial pay, something that would only further benefit him. The Cheek!

One of the Spectrum congressmen recently let in a Canadian immigrant, who may or may not be here for malicious intentions. RRS is apparently fine with this, despite himself designing the citizenship program that is used to vet new players. Said congressmen admits the mistake, but now RRS is running him in congress in Y&H! Surely this is a joke, but if not it raises serious questions about his leadership.

Now, some may call me hypocritical because of the ‘bad’ way I managed the RFA. I feel I made the right moves at election time by removing busynurse and accept the consequences of that, but it is hardly the PP s fault that people don’t turn up to mobile vote if he requested. It’s clearly obvious that the party is on a reckless course to the right.

To spectrum members, you have a choice. Are you going to sit back and let your PP bring in his cronies and pull your party towards the right? Just think about that before you cast your votes tomorrow, and indeed next PP election. Surely it is better for right wing members to join the UKRP and help the united fight against the left? For those on the left of the spectrum, does the party still represent your interests and would you be better in a leftist party?

Just something to think about,
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