The Ministry!

Day 727, 12:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by The Ministry of Work

Well the Workers Weekly is back!
to all you new guys on the block hi and welcome to eRepublik, and if your working for the Ministry of Work welcome to the family!

here are just a few announcements!

The New MoW team!

after Joachim von Bremen had to quit due to personnel issues, i, Lord Weiis, took over!

Junior Minister
Davott will be continuing his great work from last month as our new 2nd in command!

Bowen199 will head up the 'Department of Work' team! he was here last term and we're delighted to have him back!
John12306 will return to watch over the 'Department for Munitions'. He's another old hand here at the Ministry!

Messaging Apprentices
Lap12345, Tomf60, Welsh rob, James Woosh and Miloman.

a few new hands there, and were glad to have them and the old hands on board!

Org Apprentices
Raziel Darkheart and Jaytune95
will help out our uM's this month!!

Changin' the MoW

As the title suggests the way we do business (literally) is about to change!
All will be revealed soon but it will involve food XD

Q1 House Auctions!

we have them quite regularly now and you can find them on the eUK forums...">Here!!

That's all for now!

the Minister of Work- Lord Weiis

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Ministry of Work
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