The Lickamai Post - SPECIAL EDITION

Day 549, 13:43 Published in USA USA by Jarrell
The Lickamai Post - SPECIAL EDITION

From the desk of the editor:

Just like that, the eUSA is declaring itself neutral and is no longer involved in any war games, or the ATLANTIS treaty, and why? To what avail? Was it not just a month ago when we, as eUSA citizens were told to fight, fight, fight, heal, stop fighting, get a moving ticket ready and be prepared at all times? Now the office of the President is releasing statements saying “PEACE could, at any point, attack the United States.” (Richard Harrison, The Harry Dick Times, 5/21/09).

So how are we supposed to feel safe?! In a time where we declare neutrality and Ireland attacks us, almost on the exact same day, we cannot afford to go off the radar. Think about all the innocent lives that are lost, every time we decide that we’re going to take our ball and go home and we get attacked from behind, think about the families that are destroyed.

Who will have our back next time? Or the time after that?

It is times like this when one starts to believe the Fundamental Upbringing Coalition of Kinsmen and what their ads say.

Is it true that the eUSA only uses war to it’s favor? When it needs an economic boost, we start a war? When we’re tired we run home to mommy?

This has been a letter from the editor,
Good night and Good luck.

The Lickamai Post - SPECIAL EDITION