The Great Polish Landswap [USA]

Day 950, 19:40 Published in USA USA by Richard Hawk

Day 601: Hungary invades Scotland
UK Response: It’s just a training war

Many older players (Not me) remember the UK - Hungary landswap "training war", the one which led to the North American Invasion, World War 3 and the complete hatred of any and all Brits in the USA and Canada (Except Necrosis…somewhat). The United Kingdom betrayed it’s allies and let Hungary through to attack Canada while Russia attacked Alaska, Portugal attacked Georgia, Indonesia attacked Hawaii and France attacked Spain. This led to the Great British Invasion last winter and now re-enters the minds of players as the region is being used by essentially the same reasons except the UK isn’t such a willing puppet this time.

Day 948: Poland invades Scotland
EDEN Response: It's just a training war

Once again Scotland is being used by a powerful nation to get to North America, although the reasons are very different.

US - Polish Landswap/Rental:

As you may (or not, this newspaper thing is testing my patience, no idea if it linked) have read, the U.S. has been blessed with many high resource regions, and a country only needs one of each to get full benefit. A deal has been struck wherein Poland, Sweden and Ireland are landswapping into the American heartland to take some of these useless regions away for a combined cost of about 3000 Gold/Month.

Now here comes the hard part: Poland is in Scandinavia (Through a landswap), US is in North America, we want Poland in US. What do?

Well we reactivate the Scotland 'training war', and that's exactly what Poland did, invading the region as other EDEN nations attack various Phoenix member regions throughout the world. Poland then overcame massive MPPs and took Scotland.

The Great British Landswapfail

Due to a series of bugs that were occuring on that day, the Brits decided it was a good idea to try to get the Netherlands to landswap all the way up to Scotland to block the Polish advance.However the Netherlands decided to go the route that bordered the US, whereupon the US immediately smashed the button to attack Southwest of England. The Poles then saw what was going on and launched blocking attacks on the Dutch-held UK regions and the UK region of Northern Ireland.

What it all ended up like
First :The UK started a Declaration of War on Ireland and had to wait 24 hours to declare war

Then this happene😛 Ireland passed a Declaration of War on Canada to complete the landswap but the bugs struck again as the battle in Newfoundland and Labrador could not be retreated until 20 hours into it

And then this: By which time the UK DoW was passed and they launched attacks on Irish-held Canada and several Irish core regions. Ireland was nearly defenseless as all their MPPs were wiped out by the attack on Canada.

Followed by this: UK captures Newfoundland and the Northwest, begins process of losing it within 24 hours.

And now this: Poland and US both hold regions in UK, Ireland is starting landswap in US (stopped by Resistance War blocks) and GLaDOS is to busy in #Ireland/Hiding under a desk crying

Thanks for reading! I apologize for the block of text. There was a lot to write about!

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