The CSD Team

Day 550, 20:10 Published in Canada Canada by Nosyt

During the presidential elections the CSD was humiliated by the loss of our PP and failure to run an effective campaign. Now the congressional have come around and this once “dead party” has been reformed and is in tip top shape. Members have become increasingly active, and have made splendid contributions to the Canadian media. Manson Tai has graciously created a visually appealing picture of last months congress elections, and will continue to do so

Dabman has also created an and has also decided to update this map when necessary.

And of course we can’t forget yours truly (Nosyt) who has provided eCanadians with an approximate estimate of the top countries activity rates. (Check it out, Canada is doing fairly well in the world 😛)

The CSD is one of eCanada’s oldest party’s and we have both the knowledge of experienced players and the zeal of newer players. So without further adieu here is a list of the CSD’s candidates in each province, listed from East to West. Please inspect the candidates in your corresponding region so that you are able to make an informed decision during the elections.

Newfoundland & Labrador

Derek Harland
Former congress member of the CPP, Derek is an active citizen who was converted to the CSD. His presentation is here.

Barkwar Jones
A dude with an awesome avatar and considerable experience, check out his presentation.

Nova Scotia

Vincent Chaotic
A thoroughly experienced congress member, the current speaker of congress, and manager of the SCOTIA Organization (please donate today; it goes toward a hospital in Alberta) he has done more for his province than any other congressmen.

His brilliant presentation is here.

Alexander Keith
He’s just an awesome guy.

Prince Edward Island

Panda’s though very cool are an endangered species. Do your part to prevent these wonderful creatures from disappearing forever. Vote Panda_Drew in P.E.I!

New Brunswick

The former PP of the CSD, he was once the Prime Minister, and has been a congress member 5 terms. Can you say experience?


A new member of the CSD, he is hoping to enter congress and become involved in eCanadian politics. This is his presentation.

One of eCanada’s older players, this guy has quite a portfolio, check it out here.


Another newcomer to politics, he’s a concerned eCanadian who will listen, also he’s a pretty cool guy to boot. Here is his presentation.

A two time member of congress pursuing a third term. You know somebody’s active when they have 5 hard worker metals. This is his presentation.


Trenton Rendell
The CSD PP, and deputy minister of defense, he’s actively pursuing to ameliorate the country.

Andrew Mendelson
Not new to congress, re-elect Andrew and you won’t regret it.


An successful business owner Petz Inc. employs over 70 eCanadians. An experienced and industrious member of congress, Petz is a true Manitoban. This is his presentation.

Kelly Mahoney
Center of the Kelly Mahoney Fan club, keeper of the Canadian Company Registry and Minister of Industries. Kelly is a humble and polite politician (which is rare indeed) This is her presentation.


Count Von Count
Let’s give it up for first time contender Count Von Count! He works for health Canada and probably built that hospital you use every battle.

North-West Territories

Yours truly, my first time running in an election.


Duke Leto
The Duke is simply one of the coolest eCanadians around. He’s an adept politician with a good head on his shoulders.

Another really cool guy, Desdemona was attracted to the CSD recently by our new-found activity.

British Columbia

Manson Tai
An older and more experienced player, he has contributed to eCanadian society, and would love to continue doing so. Here is his wicked presentation.

An interesting dude, Dabman is honorable and approachable, which is a great combination.


One of eCanadas most active contributor’s ideology is running yet again. Check his presentation out.

As the name states, he’s kool and he’s Jack. A newbie to congress, there’s a ton of potential here.
Plus this definitely proves that DAL and CSD work together very well. Check it out.