The Burger King (Free Stuff)

Day 1,795, 13:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

Burger King

I actually hate Burger King. Granted, the last three times I went to one they were in airports, where perhaps you wouldn't expect to get a top notch BK, but nevertheless I found them to be a bit yuck. I'd much prefer a Big Mac.

ANYHOW, I have decided to run with that title because this article is all about food give-aways and free advice that you can claim right now.

Obligatory clip-art

The main thing that us Royals dedicate our time to is raising the funds and foods for Woldean Royal Welcomes. The Royal Welcomes scheme has been running for just over a year now(!) and which aims solely to help new players by giving them free stuff.

Currently, the Royal coffers are running a little low (I give everything I ever earn away, some say I'm too nice for my own good) and so the current give away rate stands at 200 GBP and 40 Q7 food. That means that right now you can earn yourself a nice cash sum as some lovely health too.

All I ask of you is to post here and free stuff is yours. However, it is understandable that some of you may not want to sign up to the forums yet and I am pleased to announce that the Royal Welcomes scheme is branching out and you can now apply simply by PM'ing me. One small message gets you 150 GBP and 40 Q5 food. Still lots of free stuff. Hurray!

What is also expanding is the 'Woldy's Young Achievers' scheme, which runs parallel to the Royal Welcomes and simply offers a mentoring service to anyone who finds the game tricky. Everyone who has applied for free stuffs receives an introductory mentor-message, and we also strive to contact newer players who have just signed up with starter advice.

Needless to say, this is very hard for me to do alone, and various players and friends have lent me a hand either with messaging or financing along the way. I could always use a hand, so if you want to take part in the messaging side of things, or you want to help by contributing money or food, simply get in touch with me and we'll get it sorted. All help is much appreciated.


I have been running games, community based activities and charity schemes in my Capacity as King for two years now, (The only thing we don't do is sell rubber wristbands) spending thousands and thousands of GBP on new players, and likewise hundreds of Gold and endless amount of weapons and food. As such I believe I am not mistaken in saying that the Royal office is the eUK's largest non-political charity and community organisation. Although I am in no way obligated as King to do anything, I thought two years ago that this was the direction I wanted to take the crown, and I cannot say I regret it.


To summarise the current new-player help the Crown offers:

1) Young achievers - Mentor advice to anyone and everyone, simply message me (before we message you) should you need assistance. Those who enter the Mentoring scheme also receive extra money, food and weapons if they need them. A great way to get started in eRep if you aren't quite sure of how to play or what is going on in the game.

2) Royal Welcomes - Forums. Those who apply for a Welcome package on the forums receive 200 GBP and 50 Q5 food (which is likely to go up over the next few weeks) and our introduction message offering quick advice and points of contact if you need to know more.

3) Royal Welcomes - In-game. You no longer need to use the forums to apply for welcome packages. A smaller amount is open to those who apply (through PM-ing me) and again you receive some introductory advice to help you on your way.

People always talk about me 😉

I have been in touch with a few people I have helped over the years, and have shortly interviewed them to try and illustrate the kind of impact I have had. Firstly I spoke to a player who has left eRepublik about what circumstances may bring him back.

Smack: You are literally, the single reason I would ever return to eRep
Woldy: Haha
Smack: I mean
Smack: What's the f****** point of eRep without King Woldy?
Woldy: Well I try to make things a bit more fun and create a community spirit
Woldy: I like to think that some people stick around/would came back for that :3
Smack: You do it well.
Smack: You do Supreme Commander 2 games. Total War games.
Smack: Supremacy games
Smack: So much is done because of you man.
Woldy: I'm aiming to get the quizzes going again too
Woldy: d'ya remember them?
Smack: Oh man
Smack: Who couldn't remember them quizzes.
Smack: I even got to run one. 😃
Smack: I did insanely hard sports questions that no one knew. 😃
Smack: But yea, Woldy's Quizes were awesome.
Woldy: Haha
Woldy: Cheers man

I then went to the other end of the spectrum and spoke briefly to someone who I have very recently helped, about his experiences so far in eRepublik. He said;

Bohemond4: I have found Woldy's royal welcome to be a boon in my first couple of days in the eUK. It certainly helped me land on my feet and to keep on fighting when otherwise I would have run low on food. The additional cash also gave me the choice to expand my wealth by saving, or spend some of it on weapons. Which, in turn, enabled me to enjoy my initial, faltering steps in the New World of eRepublik.

Have you ever heard a better reason for applying for better stuff! I would like to thank both my interviewees for taking part.

Do it, get your welcome packages!

Finally, for the newer people among you I feel I should explain why I am King. To do so I have to offer you a brief history of the eMonarchy. It all started off with making celebrities (such as Stephen Fry) King, half for fun and half to hope he would tweet/mention the eUK somewhere thus creating a baby boom. This idea was soon abandoned when no famous people decided to talk about us. So we instead decided to keep Kings and Queens, because they were fun and they were chosen by shortlisting and having the country vote on who they wanted. Kumnaa was first chosen, and we all had fun but then he was deposed and by popular mandate I was chosen to be King, for fun.

I am entirely powerless, having only the power to move you. And cover you in cheeseyness. I hope that some of the more vocal people are now slightly enlightened as to what I do and I really hope that newer players take advantage of what I have to offer.

Sorry for the long article.

Thanks for Reading,
HRH King Woldy I,


To apply for the ‘Woldy’s Young Achievers’ Scheme, simply pop your name in this thread on our external forums:

Courtesy of Horice