Thank you.

Day 737, 02:59 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lemuel Gengulfus


Firstly, thank you all so much for having the faith and confidence in me and the BEP to return me to Congress for the 3rd time. I will not let you down, but will continue to push forward with our message of fun, conflict & community.

In light of this, I would urge you to get involved in 2 things: The UK and London forums which you can find here:]the London Forum
and the
The UK Forums

AND also the eUK's Military. As you may have noticed, the UK is now at war on 3 fronts with the might of the USA and the less fearsome Sweden. This is going to make Britain much less secure, but a hell of a lot more interesting! Whilst a country cannot die, it can be occupied and we will need EVERYONE'S help in ensuring we fight off the Yanks.

If you don't know how to fight, read this:

Subscribe to the Ministry of Defence's paper for the only OFFICIAL military news & instructions:

Apply for the eUK's military by filling in this form - to defeat the Yanks we need to be organised and by joining the military, you will be doing YOUR DUTY and helping defend the nation:

Now onto a Party Political note.

This last Congress election marked a landmark shift in the eUK's politics as the UK right swept to victory. Surfing this wave is the British Empire Party - now the UK's 4th largest party, both in therms of member numbers and in terms of votes cast - Under the 2 weeks of LG's leadership, the BEP has grown and moved to the mainstream, becoming the UK's fastest growing political party.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all fo you who supported the BEP in our push up the UK's political ladder and welcome those of you who are new to our party. You will find that we are very friendly, very welcoming and committed to our mantra of "fun, conflict & community". I urge you all to join our private forum: but you will need to request access first - read how to do that here:

* * Edited by LG - "London's Good, help me keep it that way" *

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