TC Officer Adventures - Chapter 2

Day 1,459, 08:50 Published in USA USA by TDavis3000

Continued from the previous article here...

We flew in under the cover of darkness. Our comrades in the Airborne were simultaneously attacking a nearby weapons depot, so we expected to have the element of surprise on our side.

At first, everything went according to plan. We moved in quickly and took out the perimeter defenses.

After breaching the gate around the prisoner compound, Snorunt and I assaulted the back entrance. Sno quickly and quietly disabled the guard on patrol with a swift blow to the head from the butt of his rifle. The guard collapsed with a loud grunt. As another guard came around the corner to investigate the noise, I hurled my Vietnam-era combat tomahawk, catching the guard high in the chest. As he fell, Sno and I scanned the area for more enemies. I stood on patrol as Sno bashed the lock on the back door.

Bringing our weapons to bear, ready for anything, we burst through the door. Some surprised prisoners sat up. As we gave them a terse explanation and funneled them out the back door, we heard gunfire erupt from seemingly everywhere. The prisoners reflexively ducked, but we kept them moving.

WebMastr came tumbling in through the front door, knocking it over. As he rolled to his feet and caught his breath, he explaine😛

"Bad news! The garrison here's a lot bigger than Intel thought! Tim Col and Rike Tosh are wounded, and Serbs are moving to block our escape route."

I nodded my acknowledgment. Sno pointed out, "It's a double-edged sword. They'll have to come through the main hallway to assault our position, and we can try to thin out their numbers. Dav, let's set up some surprises at the front door."

As Webmastr and potato kept the prisoners together and provided us with covering fire, Sno and I set some proximity charges at the front entrance. When the Serbs came through, they'd get a nasty greeting.

Rose Lopez arrived soon after, supporting a limping Rike Tosh. Tim Col was not far behind, sporting a nasty gash to his arm from shrapnel.

The explosives detonated a few minutes later, obliterating the doorframe and pulling down that portion of the ceiling. We now seemed back into a corner. How would we escape?

One of the prisoners shouted in alarm, "looks like you've managed to cut off our only escape route!"

I frowned and replied, "Maybe you'd like it back in your cell, your highness..."

(To be continued)